Aklamio Qué es y Cómo Funciona

Aklamio What is it and How Does it Work, learn how to earn money by recommending pages or products to your friends and earn some extra money at the end of the month.

Hello everyone today we are going to talk about Aklamio, a portal very similar to Beruby where we can earn money by buying or recommending different pages and products to our friends. We will earn a commission when any of our friends or ourselves make a purchase or register in the different stores or businesses that this platform offers us such as: telephony, travel, clothing, insurance, sports, pets, jewelry, social networks, dating, etc…

The variety of different products in different sectors of commerce is immense, so if we promote one of them well, we can earn large commissions ranging from €40 in telecommunication companies, insurance, hosting, language courses, etc… to a quite high percentage of the sale made like 40% in the sale of products such as travel, computers, etc…

In Aklamio, not only will you earn money by recommending these products, but you can also take advantage of those discounts when making any type of purchase, so it is a very good portal to visit before making any online transaction because if the store where we are going to buy is in Aklamio, we will save a good amount of money.

What is Aklamio and How Does it Work

Rating: starstar


Language: Spanish.

Accepted Countries: Spain, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

If you have a bank account in any of these countries, you can also participate, no matter where you are from, as well as in the offers from other countries.

Levels of Referrals: We have 1 level of referrals. We receive 10% of the commissions they generate.

Payment method: PayPal, Bank Transfer.

Conditions to request payment: We only need 1 euro to be able to request payment.

Extension: Yes, it is called Cashbar and it is a free extension that you can install in your browser, similar to Beruby’s, which will notify you at all times of the offers or promotions on each page you visit.

Others: I recommend that when you are buying something online, check first to see if it is among the advertisers on Aklamio so you can save even more.


 ↓ If you want to register, go to the website 



How Aklamio Works”Earn Money”

At Aklamio, we have two different ways to earn money, one is through the promotion or purchase of their products and the other through their referral system, which we will see below:


Through the Promotion and Sale of Products and Services

Through our purchases, we will be able to buy products or services advertised on Aklamio and earn 100% of the announced commission,Aklamio What is it and How Does it Work

As we mentioned in the section on Aklamio characteristics, it also has a referral system that offers us:

  • 10% of the commissions generated by your referrals in the first level.

aklamio referral systemIMPORTANT: Earning referral commissions has nothing to do with benefiting from each of the offers, since the percentages that are distributed do not affect the final price of the offer.



Aklamio, Other Aspects to Consider

It also has an extension that we can install in our browser for free so that when we are browsing any associated page, we will receive a notice indicating the offer we can find if we buy through Aklamio.

The offers we promote are valid worldwide, you do not have to be from the countries mentioned above to take advantage of them, as long as the offer’s conditions do not state otherwise.

For Example: We, being from Spain, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, or having a bank account in any of these countries, can advertise an offer in Mexico and if we get a successful registration in that offer, we will receive our respective commission, as long as we comply with the offer’s conditions.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that each of the offers clearly states the objectives we must meet to receive our reward as well as the estimated time for the confirmation of the commissions generated, so before starting the promotion of any product, it is advisable to read it so that everything goes smoothly.


Without further ado, this is all about Aklamio What it is and How it Works, we add it to our list of pages to earn money and I hope it will also help you start generating commissions by promoting different products.


Aklamio What is it and How Does it Work

If you have any questions, comment at the bottom of the web, I will reply as soon as I read it.

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